Google is a great resource for grey literature when used thoughtfully with operators.
Command | Example | What Happens? |
"" | "best practice" tracheostomy |
Phrase searching. Searches for words in the order entered. |
+ | wheelchair +skills | Includes specific word(s) in results. |
- | "primary health care" -"primary care" | Excludes specific word(s) in results. |
* | wheelchair * test |
Fills in missing word(s). Locates: |
... | cataract surgery $400...$1000 |
Searches specific number range (years, prices, weights, etc.). Locates items about cataract surgery prices between $400 and $1000. |
allintext: | allintext:guideline tracheostomy |
Locates multiple words in body of search results. |
intext: | intext:social determinants of health | Locates single word or phrase in body of search results. |
allintitle: | allintitle:guideline tracheostomy |
Locates words in the title of search results. |
intitle: | intitle:social determinants of health |
Locates single word or phrase in title of search results. |
define: | define:craniotomy |
Locates a definition for a word or phrase. |
filetype: | dementia guidelines filetype:pdf |
Searches by file types such as pdf, doc, ppt, etc. |
site: |
Searches by domain extension (.gov, .ca, .org, etc.), or within a specific website. |
AROUND | Plavix AROUND 3 aspirin | Retrieves results that use the second word aspirin within so many words of the first word (in this example, results that use aspirin within three or fewer words of Plavix). |
Choice of Operator
File Types
Combining Operators