
Dynamic Health February Round-up: Updates: New and Revised Workplace Notes + Highlights: One Year of Dynamic Health! + World Cancer Day + Wear Red Day + Mental Health Nurses Day

by Library Staff on 2024-02-06T08:30:00-04:00 in Clinical Policy & Practice, Dynamic Health, Mental Health, Nurse Practitioners, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Paramedicine, Physicians, Point-of-Care Tools, Recreation Therapy | 0 Comments

Dynamic Health round-up posts keep you informed about implementation and use of Dynamic Health at Nova Scotia Health. They highlight any new priority projects and events, as well as updates to our Workplace Notes and Custom Workplace Skills.

Updates: Reviewed Skills and Workplace Notes

We receive feedback submissions about Dynamic Health skills on an ongoing basis through the Suggest an Edit form and through partnerships with departments and teams.

This month we have a large list of updates due to our recent Skill Review push that closed January 31st, 2024. We continue to process submitted reviews and will report on more next month.

Reviewed: New Workplace Note

Reviewed: No Workplace Note

Highlights: One Year of Dynamic Health

February marks one year since we launched Dynamic Health with Nova Scotia Health customizations (Workplace Notes, Custom Skills, etc.). Thank you to all our collaborators, users and supporters. We include analytics below, including data from a system report run on January 26, 2024, that reflects our collective success this past year.

  • 70,609 unique Topic Section views
  • 1,157 Skills assigned and/or reviewed
  • 487 Workplace Notes published
  • 8 Custom Workplace Skills published
  • 5 Skills linked or embedded into new or updated Nova Scotia Health policy and/or LMS
  • 385 attendees at online education sessions
  • 139 post-session recording watches
  • 1,265 Personal user accounts created
  • 157.5 Continuing Education Hours Claimed

Dynamic Health is intended to make using evidence at the point-of-care easy for nursing and allied health care professionals. Using Dynamic Health procedures supports standardizing practice for nursing and allied health across the organization. Our implementation efforts target empowering leaders and staff to engage with evidence-based decision making through easy access to procedure level guidance. Procedures in Dynamic Health are reviewed and edited regularly by the publisher’s editorial team. Additionally, we track all changes from the publisher and cross-reference this information with all customizations made at Nova Scotia Health. Where relevant, we link to organization policy within Workplace Notes and Custom Skills.

The analytics above indicate excellent uptake in year one, with room to grow in terms of utilization of continuing education credits for individual professional development. We’re encouraged by the high number of Skills reviewed and annotated with Workplace Notes versus the more labour-intensive Custom Workplace Skills. Several groups have adopted Dynamic Health for nursing and allied health procedures. Dynamic Health continues to facilitate discussions about which nursing and allied health procedures require policy-level documentation versus practices that benefit from a procedure-first approach.

Health Promotion in February and Dynamic Health Topics

February 2024 marks the promotion of:

In recognition of these health promotion events, we encourage you to engage with the curated list of Dynamic Health content below.

If you spot any Skills below that you feel need a Workplace Note, consider being a reviewer! Fill out our Suggestions for Skills form with your notes and we will get in touch!

World Cancer Day

Wear Red Day

Mental Health Nurses Day

Dynamic Health Project Team

Amanda Revels
Professional Practice Leader
Interprofessional Practice & Learning, Western Zone

Leah MacDonald
Professional Practice Leader
Interprofessional Practice & Learning, COVID-19 Response

Katie McLean
Librarian Educator
Interprofessional Practice & Learning, Library Services

Margaret Meier
Policy Lead
Policy Office

Ann Slaunwhite
Library Technician
Interprofessional Practice & Learning, Library Services

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