
Dynamic Health January Round-up: Updated Workplace Notes + Skill Review Deadlines + Alzheimer's Awareness Month + Let’s Talk Day

by Library Staff on 2024-01-02T08:30:00-04:00 in Clinical Policy & Practice, Dynamic Health, Mental Health, Nurse Practitioners, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Paramedicine, Physicians, Point-of-Care Tools, Recreation Therapy, Social Work | 0 Comments

Dynamic Health round-up posts keep you informed about the implementation and use of Dynamic Health at Nova Scotia Health. They highlight any new priority projects and events as well as updates to our Workplace Notes and Custom Workplace Skills.

Skill Reviews Due by January 31, 2024

Our second skill review push is underway. A huge “Thank you!” to all of our volunteer reviewers! Reviewers received their assigned skill(s) to review earlier in December. All reviews must be submitted through the skill review form by January 31, 2024. If you have any questions about the process or would like assistance completing a review, reach out to us at DynamicHealth@nshealth.ca. We’re available by email or Teams to talk things through and provide guidance. Learn more about the Skill Review process on the Dynamic Health Support subject guide.

Health Promotion in January and Dynamic Health Topics

January 2024 marks the promotion of:

In recognition of these health promotion events, we encourage you to engage with the curated list of Dynamic Health content below.

If you spot any Skills below that you feel need a Workplace Note, consider being a reviewer! Fill out our Suggest an Edit form with your notes and we will get in touch!

Alzheimer's Awareness Month

Let's Talk Day

Dynamic Health Project Team

Amanda Revels
Professional Practice Leader
Interprofessional Practice & Learning, Western Zone

Leah MacDonald
Professional Practice Leader
Interprofessional Practice & Learning, COVID-19 Response

Katie McLean
Librarian Educator
Interprofessional Practice & Learning, Library Services

Margaret Meier
Policy Lead
Policy Office

Ann Slaunwhite
Library Technician
Interprofessional Practice & Learning, Library Services

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