
Dynamic Health May Round-up: Updates from Feedback + Custom Skills + Celiac Disease Awareness Month + Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month + Melanoma and Skin Cancer Awareness Month

by Library Staff on 2023-05-01T08:30:00-03:00 in Clinical Policy & Practice, Dynamic Health, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Paramedicine, Physicians, Point-of-Care Tools, Recreation Therapy | 0 Comments

We've heard from several health care professionals since launch about the interesting ways they are working with Dynamic Health Skills in their area of care. For example, one Clinical Nurse Educator reported using entries about the Mini Mental Health Exam to provide frontline nurses with a refresher.

We’ve also had useful feedback submitted through the Suggestions for Skills form. As a result of this feedback, we’re happy to highlight updated workplace notes on three skills:

We've also added new workplace notes to seven additional skills, based on user feedback received through our first round of reviews:

NOTE Updated content for workplace notes will be shared periodically through these blog posts for your awareness.

Custom Skills: An Introduction

In addition to adding Workplace Notes at the top of skills, Dynamic Health also has the functionality to create standalone custom skills.

The initial goal of our skill review process is to create a Workplace Note that highlights relevant policies, additional support resources (subject guide, patient education, etc.) and any local variations (if needed). If the reviewer reports excessive variations in practice, resulting in a lengthy Workplace Note, the skill is flagged and considered for a Custom Skill. Using the existing skill as a template, the Dynamic Health team collaborates with health care professionals in the relevant area to create a new skill that aligns with the Nova Scotia Health policy and procedure. The new Custom Skill has the same layout and elements as an original Dynamic Health Skill.

Our first project to create Custom Skills is under way, focusing on topics relevant to our emergency departments. Collaborating with a group of Clinical Nurse Educators who support emergency care areas throughout the province, we have drafted seven new Custom Skills. These drafts are currently being reviewed by peers for feedback and will be laid out in Dynamic Health later in May. Check back for our June Round-up to stay up to date on this project and keep an eye out for links to these new Custom Emergency Department Skills. Coming soon!

Health Promotion in May and Dynamic Health Topics

May 2023 marks promotion of:

In recognition of these health promotion events, we encourage you to engage with the curated list of Dynamic Health content below.

If you spot any content under Skills below that doesn’t have a Workplace Note, consider being a reviewer! Fill out our Suggestions for Skills form with your notes and we’ll get in touch!

Celiac Disease Awareness Month

Cystic Fibrosis Month

Melanoma and Skin Cancer Awareness Month

Dynamic Health Project Team

Amanda Revels
Professional Practice Leader
Interprofessional Practice & Learning, Western Zone

Leah MacDonald
Professional Practice Leader
Interprofessional Practice & Learning, COVID-19 Response

Katie McLean
Librarian Educator
Interprofessional Practice & Learning, Library Services

Margaret Meier
Policy Lead
Policy Office

Ann Slaunwhite
Library Technician
Interprofessional Practice & Learning, Library Services

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