
Refresh your skills with procedure videos in BMJ Best Practice and ClinicalKey®

by Amanda Andrews on 2022-06-07T08:30:00-03:00 in Anatomy, Clinical Research, Images, Physicians, Point-of-Care Tools, Searching, Teaching & Learning | 0 Comments

UPDATED: June 10, 2024

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then is a video worth a million? We like to think so!

Library Services provides Nova Scotia Health staff with access to full-text ebooks, ejournals, and articles. Did you know you can access procedural videos as well? If you are looking for a visual refresher on how to perform a procedure, BMJ Best Practice and ClinicalKey® have you covered.

BMJ Best Practice

Our access to BMJ Best Practice includes videos on common clinical procedures. Each video is accompanied by a list of equipment, complications, indications, contraindications and aftercare.

Browse a list of procedural videos

  1. Go to the Library Services Databases A-Z page. Enter BMJ in the search box, then click on the Go button; or select B from the Databases A-Z alphabet list.
  2. Click on the BMJ Best Practice link.
  3. From the BMJ Best Practice home page, select Multimedia (A) from the menu bar, then Videos.

Locate videos on a specific subject
As an example, let’s search for "osteoporosis":

  1. Go to the BMJ Best Practice home page (as in steps 1 and 2 above).
  2. Enter "osteoporosis" in the search box, then click on the search icon.
  3. In the search results screen for "osteoporosis", click on the Signs & symptoms link (B).

Under the Resources heading (C), you will find a link to Images and videos (D) on your specific subject.

Note: Most, but not all, subjects and procedures in BMJ have accompanying images and videos.


ClinicalKey’s procedure videos provide step-by-step visuals for dozens of procedures. Each video is accompanied by instructive text, images, and equipment lists. 

Browse a list of procedural videos

  1. Go to the Library Services Databases A-Z page. Enter ClinicalKey in the search box, then click on the Go button; or select C from the Databases A-Z alphabet list.
  2. Click on the ClinicalKey link.
  3. On the ClinicalKey home page, scroll down to the Deepen your specialty and medical knowledge section, then click on the link for Procedure Videos (E)

Note: You can browse the resulting list of videos alphabetically (F) or by specialty (G).

Locate videos on a specific subject 
As an example, let’s look for "nasogastric tube placement":

  1. Go to the ClinicalKey® home page (as in steps 1 and 2 above).
  2. To the left of the search box, click on the All Types drop-down menu and select Procedure Videos (H). 
  3. Enter "nasogastric tube placement" in the search box, then click on the Search button (I).

TIP When you click on the link for a procedure video, there is a double arrow in the top-right corner of the screen. Click on the arrow to open ‘reading mode.’ This makes the accompanying text larger so it is easier to read.

Copyright considerations

Like other forms of information, procedural videos are protected by copyright. You must have permission and/or give recognition to the creator to be able to reuse and/or share them. Permissions differ by resource. Before using any video, check the copyright permissions for the video. 

TIP For most databases, copyright permissions can be found under the Terms and Conditions link (J) at the bottom of the home page. If you have questions, reach out to copyright@nshealth.ca. 

Procedural videos are great visual tools to help refresh your skills. BMJ Best Practice and ClinicalKey® both have an extensive selection of videos to meet your clinical practice and research needs. If you would like more information on procedural videos, reach out to AskLibrary@nshealth.ca, or book a one-on-one consultation with a team member. We are always here to help!

Amanda Andrews

Librarian Educator, Education & Training Lead
Eastern Zone - Cape Breton, Guysborough, Antigonish

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