Diabetes Care and Education

Managing Your Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease where your body either can’t make enough insulin or can’t properly use the insulin it produces. No matter which type you are diagnosed with, or how you manage it, living with diabetes can be a challenge.

Here are some tips to help you stay well and manage your diabetes:

Keep Up With Healthy Lifestyle Practices

Eating well and being physically active are important parts of taking care of your diabetes. To eat well and stay physically fit:

  • Follow your healthy eating or meal plan as discussed with your doctor or diabetes team. This may include following the guidelines in Canada’s Food Guide or in Diabetes Canada’s ‘Just the Basics’ resource.
  • Regular meal and snack times are helpful, as well as eating consistent amounts of food.
  • Remember that frozen or canned vegetables and fruit are also great choices! They’re often cheaper and retain more nutrients compared to fresh vegetables and fruit.
  • Try cooking more meals from scratch. Check out these healthy recipes from Diabetes Canada.
  • Get active however you can. For some, this may include going to the gym, local pool or joining a walking group. You can get active at home by dancing to your favorite music, waling up and down stairs, gardening…even cleaning the house gets you up and moving!
  • For more information, check out Diabetes Canada’s ‘Physical Activity Fact Sheet’.

Keep Up With Your Diabetes Management Practices

It is very important to continue to do all you do to manage your diabetes every day. Be sure to:

  • Check your glucose (blood sugar) as recommended.
  • Take your medications, including insulin, as prescribed by your health care provider.
  • Take care of your feet and check them every day. Follow the daily foot care routine and other suggestions in Diabetes Canada's Foot care: A step toward good health; resource. Have your bare feet checked by your doctor at least once a year.
  • Keep up with regular medical appointments. This may include routine visits with your primary care provider (doctor or nurse practitioner) and diabetes team, as well as your regular eye and dental exams. Take your socks off at every diabetes-related appointment to have your feet checked.

Take Care of Your Mental Health and Wellness

Everyone experiences living with diabetes differently. It is important to reach out if you feel you need help.

Know Who to Contact

Include these phone numbers on a list at home for easy reference in times of need:

  • For diabetes management questions or concerns:
  • For diabetes emergencies:
    • Call 911 or go to your local emergency department.
  • For medication-related errors:
    • Call the IWK Regional Poison Centre directly at 1-800-565-8161. They are available 24/7 and can assist if your primary provider or diabetes care team is not available. You can also call 811 and your call will be redirected.

Be Prepared for Emergencies

Make sure you have enough diabetes supplies on hand in case of an emergency. Refer to the checklist and tips found in the handout below: