Dynamic Health round-up posts keep you informed about implementation and use of Dynamic Health at Nova Scotia Health. They highlight any new priority projects and events, as well as updates to our Workplace Notes and Custom Workplace Skills.
We receive feedback submissions about Dynamic Health skills on an ongoing basis through the Suggest an Edit form and through partnerships with departments and teams.
National Nursing Week is May 6-12, 2024, and this year's theme is Changing Lives. Shaping Tomorrow.
Dynamic Health™ in Practice: RSV from EBSCO on Vimeo.
Select the full screen symbol to watch.
Watch in this video as Dynamic Health supports the decision making and skill development needs of a nurse and her nurse resident during their shift as they deliver exceptional care to a young patient suffering from Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and their mother.
In actual practice, Dynamic Health flexes from Changing Lives and providing nurses with current guidance for urgent care, to Shaping Tomorrow and supporting learners with acquiring or updating practice skills through clear procedures and checklists.
Dynamic Health is available to all Nova Scotia Health staff from the Intranet’s Clinical Applications page or Library Services website. Save the friendly URL (https://library.nshealth.ca/dynamic-health) to your desktop or mobile device home screens for easy access. Once you make a personal account, you can also install the app on your mobile device for consistent access without internet connectivity.
Could your care team benefit from getting support from our team with integrating Dynamic Health into your day-to-day work, competency requirements or policy/procedure documents? Reach out to DynamicHealth@nshealth.ca. We’re ready to connect and put this tool to work for you.
In recognition of these health promotion events, we encourage you to engage with the curated list of Dynamic Health content below.
If you spot any Skills below that you feel need a Workplace Note, consider being a reviewer! Fill out our Suggestions for Skills form with your notes and we will get in touch!
Gloria Connolly, RN, BScN, NCA, WOCC(c), GNC(c)
Clinical Nurse Educator, (CNE)
Interprofessional Practice & Learning
Leah MacDonald
Professional Practice Leader
Interprofessional Practice & Learning, COVID-19 Response
Katie McLean
Librarian Educator
Interprofessional Practice & Learning, Library Services
Margaret Poitras
Policy Lead
Policy Office
Ann Slaunwhite
Library Technician
Interprofessional Practice & Learning, Library Services