On Monday September 23, 2024, the Atlantic Health Libraries Association/Association des bibliothèques de la santé de l’Atlantique (AHLA/ABSA) launched a new listserv for AHLA/ABSA members and retired both the MHLA/ABSM listserv and the NLHLA listserv.
The email address to send messages to the new listserv for AHLA/ABSA is: AtlMedLib@lists.dal.ca
What we did:
Thank you,
AHLA/ABSA Executive Team
The purpose of the AHLA/ABSA listserv is to facilitate discussion of issues and dissemination of information important to library workers involved in the health care field from New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. The list is unmoderated but will be monitored for problems by the Discussion List Coordinator.
Relevant discussion topics may include: Association business, handling of challenging reference questions, and/or sharing of pertinent problem-solving tips. Anyone working in the provision of health information in the Atlantic is encouraged to participate.
Marimedlib does not accept advertisements from publishers or producers of software, etc. Questions about software and announcements from marimedlib subscribers are appropriate.
All current members of AHLA/ABSA will automatically be subscribed to the discussion list. To unsubscribe or change e-mail information contact the Discussion List Coordinator.
To send a message to all the people currently subscribed to the list, send your mail to atlmedlib@lists.dal.ca.
This is called "sending mail to the list", because you send mail to a single address and LISTSERV makes copies for all the people who have subscribed. When you wish to reply to an individual you should put that person's e-mail address in the To: line. You must never try to send any commands to marimedlib, as it would be distributed to all the people who have subscribed.
Questions? Comments? AHLA.ABSA2024@gmail.com
URL: https://library.nshealth.ca/AHLA-ABSA