
Resources for engaging with communities, patients and families.

What is People-centred Care?

People-centred care is an approach to care that consciously adopts individuals’, carers’, families’ and communities’ perspectives as participants in, and beneficiaries of, trusted health systems that are organized around the comprehensive needs of people.

World Health Organization (2021)

As an organization, Nova Scotia Health has adopted the World Health Organization definition of people-centred care. This type of care "shifts providers from doing something to or for the [patient]—where the health care provider’s perspective is dominant—to doing something with the [patient]—so the health care provider and the [patient] have a true partnership". (Accreditation Canada, 2015)

 People-Centred Care

Nova Scotia Health, 2020


Accreditation Canada. (2015). Client- and family-centred care in the Qmentum program. Available from https://www.cfhi-fcass.ca/sf-docs/default-source/patient-engagement/accredication-canada.pdf

World Health Organization. (2021). What are integrated people-centred health services? https://www.who.int/servicedeliverysafety/areas/people-centred-care/ipchs-what/en/