The focus is to provide supportive care, symptom management, and comfort measures within current location if possible. A component of this LOI is to allow for natural death.
There are two types of Comfort Care codes: C2 and C1.
The Level of Intervention (LOI) describes the scope of medical interventions that are anticipated to be helpful in achieving the patient’s goals of care. LOI encompasses more than code status and is determined only after a high-quality goals of care discussion about the patient’s priorities, health condition, and preferred location of care.
When determining a level of intervention, it is important to remember the GOC Form is not a step-by-step guide. Consideration must be given to your practice area. Every possible treatment option is not listed and the interventions need to be tailored specific to the patient.
The focus is to provide supportive care, symptom management, and comfort measures within current location if possible. A component of this LOI is to allow for natural death.
There are two types of Comfort Care codes: C2 and C1.
The focus of the medical treatment is to cure or control symptoms and prolong life, excluding CPR. A component of this LOI is to allow for natural death.
There are two types of Selective Care codes: S2 and S1.
The focus is to preserve/prolong life by all medically-effective means.
Please use the colour-coded guide below to help differentiate the different Levels of Intervention:
Please use this conversation guide to assist in discussing the different Levels of Intervention with patients and families: