Clinical Practice Supports image

Physiotherapy Practice

Trusted resources to support evidence-informed health care delivery by physiotherapists and related staff within Nova Scotia Health.


Physiotherapists, physiotherapy assistants and rehabilitation assistants within Nova Scotia Health provide supervision of students and mentorship to colleagues. Physiotherapists with at least two years of independent practice may also sponsor physiotherapy residents in accordance with Nova Scotia College of Physiotherapists standards and guidelines.

Physiotherapy staff have the professional responsibility to “contribute to . . . the profession through . . . student supervision”1. Nova Scotia Health is a teaching organization and encourages every professional to support student learning. 

Student and Learner Placements

Student and Learner Placement Service

All physiotherapy-related student placements are arranged through Nova Scotia Health’s Student and Learner Placement Service. As a learning and teaching organization, Nova Scotia Health is committed to creating supportive, collaborative learning environments that foster the development of all students/learners and their transition to practice. 

Nova Scotia Health will inform students of any requirements when a placement request is received. Registered physiotherapists with no license restrictions and one year of clinical experience may be preceptors for students.

Preceptor Education

Nova Scotia Health has two courses relating to preceptorship on the Learning Management System (LMS):

  • Preceptor 101: Beginning with the Basics (4 hours, virtual)
  • Interprofessional Preceptor Foundations (8 hours, in-person) 
    • Central Zone only; Manager approval required


Dalhousie University offers a free course on preceptorship:

Sponsorship of Physiotherapy Residents

In Nova Scotia, newly licensed physiotherapists (physiotherapy residents) follow the processes outlined by the Nova Scotia College of Physiotherapists. The physiotherapy resident will have a sponsor who will mentor “to help the resident become a safe, effective and professional physiotherapy service provider”2.


  1. Nova Scotia College of Physiotherapists. (n.d.). Ethics. Nova Scotia College of Physiotherapists.
  2. Nova Scotia College of Physiotherapists. (n.d.). Mentorship and sponsoring a resident. Nova Scotia College of Physiotherapists.