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Clinical Practice Supports: Nursing Skills and Procedures

Support material for competency maintenance, evidence-informed practice and professional education.


Peritoneal Dialysis

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References by Skill

General or background information/texts/reports

  1. Lynn P. Urinary elimination. In: Taylor’s Clinical Nursing Skills: A Nursing Process Approach. 5th ed. Wolters Kluwer; 2019.

General or background information/texts/reports

  1. Hinkle JL, Cheever KH, Overbaugh KJ, eds. Brunner & Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing. 15th ed. Wolters Kluwer; 2022. 

Published guidelines

  1. Todd LB. Peritoneal dialysis therapy. In: Counts CS, ed. Core Curriculum for Nephrology Nursing. 7th ed. ANNA; 2020:1138-1165.

Policies, procedures, protocols

  1. Kear TM. Management of patients with kidney disorders. In: Hinkle JL, Cheever KH, eds. Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing. 15th ed. Wolters Kluwer Health; 2021.

Policies, procedures, protocols

  1. NIDDK.Peritoneal dialysis.2018.

Published guidelines

  1. Myers LL. Peritoneal dialysis in the acute care setting. In: Counts CS, ed. Core Curriculum for Nephrology Nursing. 6th ed. ANNA; 2015:121-141.

Published guidelines

  1. Lambertson K. Peritoneal dialysis therapy. In: Counts CS, ed. Core Curriculum for Nephrology Nursing. 6th ed. ANNA; 2015:267-276.

Published guidelines

  1. The Joint Commission. 2023 National patient safety goals effective July 2022 for the hospital program.