Principles to consider when using 2% Chlorhexidine Gluconate with 70% Isopropyl Alcohol
Single use preparations preferred
Immediate antibacterial action as well as persistent activity on skin that may last up to 7 days under a sterile dressing
If gross contamination is visible, wash the area with warm water and soap before starting the procedure
Apply using a back-and-forth motion with light friction for 30 seconds in 2 different directions
Cleans an area larger than the outer size of the dressing.
If the patient has an allergy to chlorhexidine, use 70% Isopropyl Alcohol. This requires a 1-minute friction application and 30 second dry time. This provides no residual antibacterial activity.
***Coming Soon*** CL-SR-060 Management of Non-Cytotoxic Extravasation Events