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Dietitians and Dietetic Technicians

Nutrition and Dietetics Podcasts

New to Podcasts?

Podcasts, like radio programs, are topical discussions, stories, news, or other content produced by an individual or group and made available to listen to via the Internet. Many radio programs will offer a podcast version. You can listen to a podcast whenever you want, rather than at a scheduled time like a radio show. You may download a podcast to your computer or mobile device. You may also listen to a podcast using your Internet browser.

You can listen to a single episode of interest, or subscribe (usually free) to get new content when it is available. There are a number of ways to subscribe to a podcast. You may want to subscribe to a podcast if you listen to regular episodes, or if the podcast is about a topic that interests you. If you are subscribed to a podcast, your podcast downloading software can show you when a new episode is available, so you don't need to check.

A good way to subscribe to podcasts is through a podcast manager.

Examples of podcast managers: