The registered nurse (RN) collaborates with the Health Care Team to develop a care plan to ensure that restraint is used as a last resort. Care plans help staff understand, prevent, and manage behaviours that may put the patient at risk for restraint use.
In order to create effective and individualized interventions that match the patient’s needs, the Health Care Team tries to understand:
Consult others (e.g. Circle of Support) on knowledge of behaviour, routines, abilities, and triggers. Use forms and assessment tools, as needed, to gather this information (e.g. All About Me, Pieces of My Personhood).
Consult members of the Health Care Team to assess specific concerns or behaviour(s) and incorporate these assessment results in a behaviour care plan (e.g. level of transfer and mobility assistance, ways to engage patient in self-care tasks, strategies patient has used in the past to relieve stress, leisure interests and abilities). Include known strategies to prevent and manage responsive behaviours, and maintain cognitive and physical function while remaining person-centered.
Document the care plan in the health record and inform the family/Substitute Decision Maker (SDM) of the plan of care.
It may take several attempts to find alternative strategies that work best for the patient to prevent or limit the use of restraints.
Continually assess and modify the care plan to reflect:
When a restraint is implemented, update the care plan for the use of restraints. Refer to Elements to Consider in a Restraint Section of a Care Plan (below).
The Health Care Team is responsible for maintaining their competencies of de-escalation and behaviour management strategies to ensure effective performance in situations involving the risk of restraint (e.g. Communicating with Individuals Who Have Dementia as part of the Elder Care in Hospital subject guide, Gentle Persuasive Approaches Training, Teepa Snow Dementia Education for Professionals). The Health Care Team should also consider their organization’s standardized approach to de-escalation and crisis management when creating a patient’s individual plan of care.
Suggested elements to include in a care plan:
Consider the following elements to add to a care plan if restraints are initiated:
NOTE These are sample care plans. Please follow your local forms procedures.