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Restraint as a Last Resort


Nova Scotia Health is committed to the safety of patients, clients, staff and volunteers. The objectives of the Restraint as a Last Resort Policy and Procedure are to:

  • Provide direction based on the principles of restraint as a last resort and the least restrictive restraint
  • Promote consistency in decision-making processes
  • Support a balance between the safety of patients and others, and restrictions on patient liberty

Restraint is used only when:

  • other strategies have been deemed ineffective or inappropriate in the current circumstances, and
  • there is a risk of harm to self or others.


Restraint: Anything that is intentionally used to limit the movement or behaviour of a resident and over which the resident has no control. Restraints may be physical, environmental or chemical. A resident is restrained if he or she cannot remove a physical device, leave a specific area, or refuse a chemical restraint.

Education Opportunities

NOTE Video above is based on March 2023 version of Restraint as a Last Resort Policy & Procedure Education Session.


Learning Management System Courses

These courses are available on the Provincial Learning Management System (LMS):

Workplace Violence

  • Non Violent Crisis Intervention Code: 0572
  • Introduction to Workplace Violence Part 1 (Mandatory: found under My Learning tab)
  • Introduction to Workplace Violence Part 2 (Mandatory: found under My Learning tab)

Motivational Interviewing

  • PHC Foundations of Behaviour Change - Module 1: Introduction and Theory Code: 0923
  • PHC Foundations of Behaviour Change - Module 2: Ask, Listen, Summarize, Invite Code: 0924
  • PHC Foundations of Behaviour Change - Module 3: Non-Judgemental Curiosity Code: 0925
  • PHC Foundations of Behaviour Change - Module 4: Motivational Argument, Ambivalence, Resistance Code: 0926


Additional Education Resources