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Drug Evaluation Unit (DEU)

Sharing resources to support evidence-informed pharmacotherapy.


What is Academic Detailing?

Academic detailing is a method of continuing medical education outreach. A trained health care professional (a detailer) meets with a primary care provider in their practice setting. The detailer provides evidence-based information on best prescribing practices for topics relevant to primary care. A core component of academic detailing is that the detailers, who are usually pharmacists, provide well-balanced, objective information1.

Dalhousie Academic Detailing Service (ADS)

The Dalhousie ADS is funded by the Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness and operates through Continuing Professional Development and Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University. 

The DEU’s Role

DEU pharmacists collaborate with the Dalhousie ADS for topic development, undertake the critical appraisal of the evidence for academic detailing topics, and participate as content authors for academic detailing educational materials. The DEU also supports detailer upskilling*, responds to questions that arise from academic detailing visits, and contributes to the development and delivery of continuing education conferences.

*Upskilling is the process of preparing a detailer to conduct academic detailing visits.2



  1. Jin, M., Naumann, T., Regier, L., Bugden, S., Allen, M., Salach, L., ... & Dolovich, L. (2012). A brief overview of academic detailing in Canada: Another role for pharmacists. Canadian Pharmacists Journal/Revue des Pharmaciens du Canada, 145(3), 142-146.
  2. Canada’s Drug and Health Technology Agency. (n.d.). Academic Detailer Training and Resource Material Evaluation. Retrieved April 2, 2024, from