
Patient Education Pamphlets created, updated, or archived in February 2025

by Kendell Fitzgerald on 2025-03-03T09:03:57-04:00 in Patient Education, Patient Pamphlets | 0 Comments

Writing in plain language matters. In Canada, it’s reported that nine million people have limited literacy skills, with over half of Canadians reading below a high school level. This is just one of the reasons why it is important to offer additional support to patients and families with easy-to-read, straightforward patient pamphlets. For more information about creating or updating patient pamphlets, please visit the Content Creator Toolkit. Please contact Pamphlets@nshealth.ca with any questions. You can search for pamphlets by title or keyword in the pamphlets catalogue, or view the complete listing of active titles in our Print Code Index.

The following pamphlets were updated or created in February 2025. 

Digestive System 
WI85-0038 ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-pancreatography) (Arabic: AR85-1476, En français: FF85-1503, Simplified Chinese: CH85-2448)
                  Previous title: ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-pancreatography) - VG Site
WI85-0079 After Hernia Surgery (En français: FF85-2182)
                  Previous title: Hernia Repair
WI85-1365 Ostomy Discharge Instructions

Emergency & Public Health 
WA85-2041 Potential for Violent or Aggressive Behaviour
                    Previously indexed under WX

French Translations (en français)
FF85-1960 Imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) (English: WN85-0456)
FF85-2201 Fausse couche : Hôpital régional de Yarmouth (English: WP85-2009)
FF85-2106 Asthme (English: CB85-1454)
FF85-1812 Instructions après une transfusion sanguine reçue en clinique externe (English: WH85-1801, Arabic: AR85-2094, Simplified Chinese: CH85-2126)
                   Previous title: Instructions ambulatoires après une transfusion
FF85-2095 ECG à l’effort (English: WG85-0005)
FF85-2479 NEW Greffe allogénique de cellules souches - Site Victoria General (VG), QE II (English: WH85-0934)

Gynecology & Reproductive Health
WP85-1934 Checking Blood Glucose of Newborn Babies (En français: FF85-1966)
WP85-2008 Surrogacy Arrangements: Frequently Asked Questions

QV85-1623 Vedolizumab (Entyvio®) Therapy for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
                   Previous title: Vedolizumab (Entyvio®) Therapy

Mental Health & Addictions
WM85-1647 13-Week Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Skills Training Treatment Group
                     Previous title: 13-Week DBT Skills Training Treatment Group
WM85-2480 NEW Diet Pills

WQ85-1760 Dalteparin (Fragmin®) to Prevent Clotting During Hemodialysis
WQ85-1564 Emergency Preparedness for Dialysis Patients (En français: FF85-1901)
                    Previous title: Dialysis Patients: Being Prepared for an Emergency
WQ85-1818 Cefazolin Treatment for Peritonitis in Peritoneal Dialysis
WQ85-1819 Ceftazidime Treatment for Peritonitis in Peritoneal Dialysis
WQ85-1820 Gentamicin or Tobramycin Treatment for Peritonitis in Peritoneal Dialysis
WQ85-1821 Vancomycin Treatment for Peritonitis in Peritoneal Dialysis
WQ85-2478 NEW SGLT2 Inhibitors in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Nursing Units
WZ85-2477 NEW Welcome to Unit 7B Inpatient Medicine Unit - Victoria General (VG)

Nutrition & Food
LC85-2481 NEW Managing Weight Loss in Parkinson’s Disease

Palliative Care
WD85-1616 CADD®-Solis Pump for Palliative Care
                     Previous title: CADD®-Solis Pump

WO85-1491 Care After Your Carpal Tunnel Surgery - Dr. Pickett

The following pamphlets were archived in February 2025:
PM85-0061 Using Opioids for Chronic Pain
PM85-0686 Using Methadone for Chronic Pain
WN85-0068 Diagnostic Ultrasound (En français: FF85-1105)
FF85-1105 Ultrasonoscopie (English: WN85-0068)
WD85-0977 Grief: Coping With Challenges (En français: FF85-2147)
FF85-2147 Deuil : surmonter les difficultés (English: WD85-0977)
WV85-2070 Adenoidectomy – Valley Regional Hospital (En français: FF85-2176)
FF85-2176 Adénoïdectomie : Hôpital régional Valley (English: WV85-2070)
WV85-2071 Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy – Valley Regional Hospital (En français: FF85-2177)
FF85-2177 Amygdalectomie et adénoïdectomie : Hôpital régional Valley (English: WV85-2071)
FF85-2193 La méthadone pour traiter la douleur chronique (English: PM85-0686)
WT85-1802 Welcome to Camp Hill Veterans’ Memorial Building (for residents)
WT85-1390 Welcome to Camp Hill Veterans’ Memorial Building (for veterans)

If a pamphlet that has been archived is still needed, please let us know as soon as possible and we will work with you to make it available again.

Kendell Fitzgerald

Librarian Educator
Central Zone

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