Clinical Practice Supports image

Nursing Orientation Program – Central Zone


At the end of Module 4: Quality and Safety, participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate the use of:
    • Morse Fall Scale risk assessment
    • Braden Scale assessment
    • Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessments (CIWA)
    • Least Restraint Assessment forms
  • Take an evidence-based approach to development and implementation of care planning
  • Provide safe, high-quality care according to the various module topics
  • Participate in debriefing activities to build on skills to enhance emotional resilience

Pre-learning Required Content

Learning Management System (LMS) Courses

Participants must complete the following LMS courses. You can find each course by searching for the course title or code:

  • Universal Falls Precautions Inpatients Code: 1027
  • Morse Falls Scale: Fall Risk Assessment Code: 0309
  • Pressure Injury Prevention Code: 0427

Nova Scotia Health Policies and Procedures

Participants are expected to review the following policies and procedures:

Library Services Subject Guides

Participants are expected to review the following:

Dynamic Health

Participants are expected to review the following content within Dynamic Health:

Optional Resources

Library Services Subject Guides

Learning Management System (LMS) Courses

You can find these courses by searching the LMS for the course title or code:

  • Restraint as a Last Resort Code: 1221
  • SIMS File Entry Training* Code: 0002
    • *Pre-Requisite: Just Culture Code 0001 (Mandatory)

Dynamic Health
