Chronic Pain Services

Patient support for the pain management journey. We will work with you and your primary care provider to give you the tools and strategies to help manage your pain and improve your quality of life.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) Exercise

This 16-minute exercise guides you through a progressive muscle relaxation routine. Learn to identify the presence of stress and muscle tension in different parts of your body and practice ways of reducing it. Regular practice of progressive muscle relaxation will help you to reduce your stress and tension, and better manage your pain. The exercise is presented by Dr. Doug Cane a clinical psychologist with the Pain Management Clinic.

Guided Imagery Exercise

This brief six-minute exercise introduces you to the use of guided imagery as a relaxation strategy. The exercise guides you through an imaginary walk along a beautiful beach and provides you with helpful ideas for using imagery. Regular practice of guided imagery will help you to reduce your stress and tension, and better manage your pain. The exercise is presented by Dr. Mary McCarthy a former clinical psychologist with the Pain Management Clinic.

Mindfulness Exercise

This 8-minute exercise guides you through a mindfulness activity of observing your thoughts. This activity helps to develop awareness of your thoughts and to practice letting the thoughts go without getting hooked by them. The exercise was created by Russ Harris (2009) and is presented by Meghan Rossi (clinical psychology PhD student, Dalhousie University).