My COVID Recovery

Information and resources to help Nova Scotians understand and manage their health after having COVID-19.

Information for Family, Friends and Caregivers


Supporting someone after they have had COVID-19 can be challenging. This is true whether they were in the hospital or recovered at home. It was likely a stressful time for everyone. As they recover, you may still need to provide physical and emotional support.

Support and Self-Care

Be patient and supportive

  • Your loved one's symptoms may make it harder for them to do daily tasks. They may need more time to do things.

Acknowledge and validate their symptoms and experiences

  • Some people experience symptoms for many months after having COVID-19.

Help them monitor their symptoms

  • Talk to your loved one if you notice symptoms that are new or getting worse. If they do not want to or cannot seek the care they need, you can call on their behalf:
    • If it is an emergency, call 911.
    • Call 811 to talk with a registered nurse 24/7.
    • Call the Mental Health and Addictions Intake line (toll-free): 1-855-922-1122
    • Call the Mental Health and Addictions Crisis line (toll-free): 1-888-429-8167

Be positive and reassuring

  • COVID-19 affects people in different ways. Support them as they move through recovery.

Ask for help

  • You are not alone as a caregiver. There are supports to help you. It is important to take care of yourself and avoid caregiver burnout.

Try these strategies:

Ask yourself

  • “What do I need today?”

Eat regularly

  • Try to eat every 4 to 6 hours.

Stay physically active

  • Try to get regular activity throughout your day.
  • Break up long periods of sitting by:
    • Taking a walk
    • Doing exercises that get your heart rate up (like aerobics or jogging)
    • Doing gentle relaxation exercises (like stretching or yoga) to lower your stress

Get enough sleep and rest

  • Practice helpful sleep habits. Go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day.
  • Take a nap or do a relaxing activity to help rest your body and mind.

Practice gratitude and self-compassion

Spend some time alone each day

  • Surround yourself with things that help you feel good or give you comfort.
    • For example, a hot bath, listening to music or spending time in nature.

Manage your stress and emotions

  • Try to keep your daily routine.
  • Focus on what you can control and do not worry about what you cannot control.
  • Limit news and social media.

Stay connected

  • Ask for help when you want or need it.
  • Call friends or family.
  • Spend time with pets.

NHS England.(2021). Family, friends, and carers. Your COVID Recovery. Retrieved July 9, 2021, from

Nova Scotia Health Authority (2020). Self Care During Grief & Bereavement. Retrieved July 9, 2021, from

Government of the United Kingdom. (2021). Guidance for those who provide unpaid care to friends or family Retrieved July 9, 2021, from

CHT Covid Key Messages Document (April 2020)