
Patient Education Pamphlets created, updated, or archived in July 2023

by Kendell Fitzgerald on 2023-08-08T08:30:00-03:00 in Patient Education, Patient Pamphlets | 0 Comments

Writing in plain language matters. In Canada, it’s reported that nine million people have limited literacy skills, with over half of Canadians reading below a high school level. This is just one of the reasons why it is important to offer additional support to patients and families with easy-to-read, straightforward patient pamphlets. For more information about creating or updating patient pamphlets, please visit the Content Creator Toolkit. Please contact Pamphlets@nshealth.ca with any questions. You can search for pamphlets by title, keyword, or four-digit pamphlet number in the pamphlets catalogue, or view the complete listing of active titles in our Print Code Index.

The following pamphlets were updated or created in July 2023. 

Cardiovascular System 
WG85-1731 Cardiac Surgery
WG85-1442 PFO or ASD Closure: Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO) or an Atrial Septal Defect (ASD)
WG85-0016 Life After a Heart Attack

Digestive System 
WI85-2230 Changing a One-piece Colostomy or Ileostomy Pouch - Western Zone
WI85-2231 Changing a Two-piece Colostomy or Ileostomy Pouch - Western Zone

French Translations (en français)
FF85-1916 Prendre vos médicaments (English: WM85-0758) (English: WM85-0758)
FF85-1857 ERV (Entérocoques résistants à la vancomycine) (English: WC85-1752)
FF85-2344 NEW Entérobactéries productrices de carbapénémase (EPC) (English: WC85-2234)

WT85-2347 NEW Footwear and Footcare Tips for Seniors

Gynecology & Reproductive Health
WP85-2342 NEW My Labour and Birth Guide - South Shore Regional Hospital (SSRH)

Infectious Disease
WC85-2059 Be Antibiotic Aware (En français: FF85-2151; Chinese: CH85-2242; Arabic: AR85-2244)

Laboratory Pathology
QY85-1976 24-Hour Urine Collection - South Shore Regional Hospital
QY85-1980 Semen Collection - South Shore Regional Hospital
QY85-1981 72-Hour Stool Collection for Fecal Fat: Eating Plan - South Shore Regional Hosptial

QV85-0214 Tunneled (Hickman) Catheter
QV85-2345 NEW Risankizumab (Skyrizi®) Therapy for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Nervous System
WL85-2013 Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Concussion Education Session

Nutrition & Food
LC85-0107 Healthy Eating After Your Transplant (En français: FF85-1106)

WW85-0641 Corneal Ulcer
WW85-0136 Corneal Transplant Surgery (En français: FF85-1718)
WW85-1573 Blepharitis
WW85-1101 Steroid Injection for the Eye (En français: FF85-1743)
WW85-0461 Retinal Treatments (En français: FF85-1113)

Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation
WB85-2346 NEW Access to Technology Consultative Service

Urogenital System
WJ85-2343 Changing a Urostomy Appliance - Western Zone

The following pamphlets were archived in July 2023:
LC85-0442 Low Copper Diet for Wilson Disease
PM85-2090 Using Medication to Manage Pain
PM85-2091 Pain and Sleep
PM85-2092 Pain and Lowering Tension
PM85-2093 Pain and Sexual Activity
PM85-2114 Pain and Pacing Daily Activities
FF85-2164 Faire des tâches à son propre rythme
PM85-2121 Understanding Pain
FF85-2150 Comprendre la douleur
WT85-2116 Frail to Fit Program

If an archived pamphlet is needed, please let us know as soon as possible and we will work with you to make it available again.

Kendell Fitzgerald

Librarian Educator
Central Zone


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