
Patient Education Pamphlets updated or created in July 2022

by Vinson Li on 2022-08-08T07:30:00-04:00 in Patient Education, Patient Pamphlets | 0 Comments

Writing in plain language matters. In Canada, it’s reported that nine million people have limited literacy skills, with over half of Canadians reading below a high school level. This is just one of the reasons why it is important to offer additional support to patients and families with easy-to-read, straightforward patient pamphlets. For more information about creating or updating patient pamphlets, please visit the Content Creator Toolkit. Please contact pamphlets@nshealth.ca with any questions. You can search for pamphlets by title, keyword, or four-digit pamphlet number in the library catalogue, or view the complete listing of active titles in our Print Code Index.

The following pamphlets were updated or created in July 2022. 

Digestive System 
WI85-2297 NEW After a Liver Transplant - Changes in Your Mental Health

French Translations (en français)
FF85-1882 Comment parler aux enfants de la sexualité et de l’importance de faire des choix sains (English: WA85-1868)

Mental Health & Addictions
WM85-2296 NEW When should I be worried about my relationship with food and exercise?

WM85-2298 NEW Opioid Recovery Program (ORP) - Port Hawkesbury and Antigonish Areas

WQ85-1444 Are you on dialysis, taking blood thinners, and need an interventional radiology procedure?

Nutrition & Food
LC85-1410 Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) Sample Diet Plan: No Added Salt, Low Phosphorus (Suitable for people with diabetes)] [previous title: Sample CAPD Diet Plan: No Added Salt, Low Phosphorus]

Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation
WB85-1299 Liver Transplant Physiotherapy Program (En français: 1839)

Vinson Li

Librarian Educator, Patient Education Pamphlets Lead
Nova Scotia Hospital, Central Zone

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