Health Transformation Hub

Key Messages

Oncology Transformation Project (OTP)

  • The OTP involves adapting a cancer-specific information system (ARIA®) and a patient engagement application (Noona®) to Nova Scotia Health Cancer Care Program needs, which will align with OPOR.
  • When fully implemented, ARIA will give health providers real-time access to patient information to ensure the right care, at the right time, in the right place, by the right provider.
  • ARIA will improve patient safety and decrease wait times through standardized electronic processes.
  • Noona, when fully implemented, will enable patients to take a more active role in their treatment and survivorship journey.

Models of Care

  • The model of care work is about providing patients with the right care, in the right place, by the right provider, at the right time, with access to the right information.
  • Standardizing processes and having all clinical team members working to their full scope of practice will ensure efficient operations and reduce wait times.
  • Involving local health leaders and patient and public engagement are key to ensuring success.
  • The result will be improved patient experiences, comprehensive patient care as close to home as is safely possible and a reduction in unnecessary demand on cancer centres.

Lung Screening Program

  • Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in Nova Scotia. About 1,000 new lung cancers are diagnosed every year in Nova Scotia.
  • Smoking is the biggest risk factor for lung cancer.
  • A new lung screening program will begin this fall, starting in Central Zone, for those who are at high risk for the disease based on age, smoking history and a clinical assessment.
  • The Lung Screening Program has three parts:
    • Information about improving a person’s lung health.
    • Supports for people who are interested in quitting smoking.
    • A CT scan for those found to be at very high risk for lung cancer.


Oncology Transformation Project

The Oncology Transformation Project is a collaborative project with cancer care, research, innovation and discovery, industry, and government. The goal is to build a single, provincial cancer (clinical) information system, to enable the highest quality of patient care and meet Cancer Care Program needs. When implemented, Cancer Care Program will have one provincial process for referral, triaging and scheduling of patients and real-time communications within and between all Cancer Care Program specialties and sites.

Models of Care

The Models of Care project is about ensuring patients receive the right care, in the right place, by the right provider, at the right time, with access to the right information. The first phase focuses on strengthening community oncology clinics to ensure as much care as is safely possible occurs closer to where patients live. This will:

  • Reduce the travel burden for patients.
  • Reduce patients' travel expenses.
  • Lessen a patient's time away from family and work.
  • Ensure access to comprehensive care close to home, including psychosocial oncology and drug access navigation resources.
  • Reduce demand on cancer centres for care that is best provided in the community.

Lung Screening Program

The Lung Screening Program will be phased in across the province beginning in Central Zone in fall 2023. Lung screening will:

  • Save lives by finding lung cancer at a very early stage, when treatment is most effective and recovery is more likely.
  • Reduce lung cancer risk and demand on the health care system by providing evidence-based smoking cessation supports for Nova Scotians at high risk for lung cancer.
  • Ensure safe and efficient use of resources (CT technology and personnel).

Areas of Focus

Oncology Transformation Project

  • Planning and communication
  • IT infrastructure
  • Workflow optimization
  • Change management
  • Patient and staff engagement
  • Quality and safety
  • Clinical implementation

Models of Care

  • Communication
  • Patient, staff and community engagement
  • Optimizing scopes of practice; expansion of oncology delegate / advanced practice roles
  • Standardizing processes, scheduling and coordination of workflow with pharmacy
  • Gathering and analyzing data to identify the right mix of cancer health professionals 
  • Onboarding of new staff; transition to practice pathways

Lung Screening Program

High level workstreams include:

  • Tobacco cessation
  • Environmental risk factors
  • Diagnostic imaging
  • Information technology
  • Navigated program pathway
  • Communications and engagement
  • Medical expert advisory

Current Activities

Oncology Transformation Project

  • Phase one of ARIA was completed in June 2023. Appointments for all cancer patients are now being scheduled electronically through ARIA.
  • Phase one of Noona was completed in June 2023. Patients who have a smart phone, tablet or computer and have registered for Noona now have electronic access to their appointment schedules, reminders and schedule changes.
  • Planning underway for Phase II, which begins the first week of September 2023.

Models of Care

  • Recruiting, hiring, and on-boarding new positions in sites across the province is underway to support patients receiving cancer care services as close to home as is safely possible.
  • Next step includes further discussion with local leaders to develop a strategy for community cancer care services which meet community-specific needs.
  • Participating in CIHR-funded research to advise on a provincial approach to psychosocial oncology.

Lung Screening Program

The lung screening team is fine-tuning communication and screening processes to support a public launch of phase one of the program in Central Zone in fall 2023. This includes:

  • Updating the information system to support lung screening processes.
  • Hired and onboarded three key positions: two nurse navigators and a booking clerk.
  • Testing communication materials and processes with a soft launch which began in July 2023. This includes speaking with and assessing the people who have been waiting for lung screening following a referral from their primary care provider.


Sponsors and Leads


  • Joy Tarasuk, Director, Oncology Clinical Standards and System Integration, and Director, Cancer Care, Western Zone
  • Dr. Bruce Colwell, Systemic Therapy Lead
  • Amanda Caissie, OTP Medical Director  
  • Pamela Robichaud, Zonal Oncology Manager
  • Julia Kaal, Canadian Institutes of Health Research Health System Impact Fellow 
  • Krista Rigby, Director, Population Oncology and Cancer Care, Northern Zone
  • Dr. Daria Manos, Medical Director, Lung Screening Program
  • Eileen Kilfoil, Manager, Cancer Screening Programs

Executive Sponsors

  • Helmut Hollenhorst, Senior Medical Director
  • Jill Flinn, Senior Director, Cancer Care Program
